Hello and welcome to this conversation.
Smile Within Yoga is a BODY for fostering more of yourself within the holistic therapeutic environments. A scaffolding for wholeness and wellness when tenderly exploring the vastness and nuances of a humanistic experience. Growing awareness of self and a sense of felt safety when meeting what arises creates opportunities to engage with portals of past, present and future states and experiences, thus influencing the internal system responses. Empowering, educating and embodiment that fundamental principles assist the psychoid and innate complexities for relational adaptive learning. The Smile Within Yoga approach breathes new air, awakens the body soul coherence and recognises the interconnectedness of all things. This nature that is source energy providing, as a way for the wellbeing of all. A Place that I welcome all of you and assisting in fostering emotional safety in relationships, to allow self-expression and connection, practicing body awareness to improve connection with authentic feelings and needs, resolving unattended childhood traumas and parts of ourselves that influence parenting styles, personal and interpersonal relationships and nervous system responses.
Please peruse at your own pace and reach out if you are wanting to connect.
Much love Selina Stewart

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land that we call home here, the Gubbi Gubbi and Jinabara people. We pay our respects to the First Nations people, elders past, present and future on a land that was never ceded. We welcome any First Nations people here to community, in gathering, in ceremony, in ritual for they hold the memories and the stories connected to the land, water and spirit.
We recognise, that we meet on this land today and for our tomorrow's, knowing that it holds the rich history of ceremony, where First Nations people have gathered for thousands of years.
May we act collectively, on the responsibility to live in harmony with Mother nature – all creatures great and small, all land, trees, mountains, seas and rivers… may we be forever learning about ways to care for creation – just as the First Nations people have done since the beginning.